Monday, October 10, 2005


Having spent way too much time watching movies as a kid my internal monologue sometimes tends to take the form of movie quotes. For example, whenever I end up having to make some sort of quick defensive driving maneuver I inevitably end up hearing Han Solo say
“YAHOO! You’re all clear kid!" However, with all of the recent scandals plaguing the white house and the republican leadership lately the line that keeps running through my head is from The Crow:
“It’s not a good day to be a bad guy."
First Bill Frist, the Uber-Doctor who is able to diagnose someone from two thousand miles away is being investigated fro insider trading regarding the selling of his stock in his families hospital company. All that really needs to be said about this is that Sen. Frist claims that he had everything in a blind trust yet told his people to sell all of his HCA stock that he didn't know he had. And of course he sold it at it's highest point and it then took a dive two weeks later which I'm sure is just a coincidence because no Republican leader would ever do anything like that? Right? Harken Energy anyone???
Next comes the Congressional majority leader Tom Delay who has been indicted not once but twice now regarding his fascist political maneuvering in Texas. (Fascism being the consolidating of corporate and government power). And of course, seeing as how he is a champion of the Christian Right, his actions beg the question: “WWJB?" (Who Would Jesus Bribe?)
Seeing as how Bill Frist was the star of Justice Sunday 1 and how Tom Delay was the star of Justice Sunday 2, I wonder how James Dobson is taking this? I mean he's already had a hard enough year having been humiliated by Sponge Bob Square pants, but now his two token politicians have shown their true "Moral Values" with regard to obeying the law. But of course on the other hand, they both still believe in the criminalization of homosexuality so I guess they'll probably still be invited back for Justice Sunday 3, “Evangelical Boogaloo."
There's also the Jack Abhramoff scandal which is so convoluted and twisted that it seems to cover everything from mob-style hits to corruption at the highest levels of government to instituting a "pay to play" system of governance in the Republican party. Add to this the recent arrest of a top white house official and the upcoming Valerie Plame verdict that could hit Karl Rove and/or Cheney's chief of staff and yeah, it's been a bad month for them.
Maybe this is why they're stacking the Supreme Court with loyalists. Not to further some Right Wing agenda but to save themselves from having to wear that orange jumpsuit! I mean, in their minds, what could be worse than having to spend all day surrounded by poor minorities?? That's like a Republican leader's worst nightmare! Just ask Trent Lott!
And in an attempt to sway the news cycle his way, a Dallas socialite who once referred to GWBush as "The most brilliant man I have ever met," has been nominated for the Supreme Court. I'll give you a sec to re-read that quote. She really said that. Now ask yourself whether or not you would trust this person's judgment.


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