Monday, June 20, 2005

Schiavo 3: The Return

This Just In....

Right wing activist Randall Terry, Spiritual Leader James Dobson and Governor Jeb Bush have been found digging up the remains of Terry Schiavo claiming that she's not actually been cremated but that actually she's only in a state of "minimal ashy consciousness." They were found at the scene with shovels, plastic zip-lock bags, and super glue. More at 11

Ok, so not only was Terri Schiavo's brain withered down to half it's size, but she was also blind. This prognosis is according to a SCIENTIFIC AUTOPSY done last week. I capitalized those words because even the facts no longer seem to matter to the Christo-Facist-Zombie Brigade led by the Randall Terry's and James Dobson's of the world. Their collective response to this was that it didn't matter because they know what they saw on that heavily-edited three minute stretch of tape that showed her eyes ( which were BLIND!) "following" a mylar balloon. Yeah, that proves alot. I wonder if they've ever heard of the "infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters" theory which says that due to random variables given an infinite amount of time that the afforementioned monkey's could accidentily type out the entire works of Shakespeare? That is what really happened in that video that was paraded around but who are they to let a little reality invade their pre-concieved notions of her condition. At least Jeb Bush has given up on denying reality however he still wants to investigate why michael Shiavo didn't jump fast enough or something when he called 911 fifteen years ago. you can't get the guy to restore poeple's voting rights or investigate fraud but Whoo-ee, you bring him just one Christian Right cause to jump on and he moves faster than GW dodging another "smoking gun memo" about Iraq.To me the whole thing is just ridiculous and I can't believe I've written this much about it already.

On a lighter note, that bastion of CONSERVATIVE-christian journalism, "World Magazine", has it's own blog site and i did a quick check and not one mention of the "Downing Street Memo" yet there are six stories on Terry Schiavo. I will give them credit though, at least they don't refer to her as "Terry" ( like they knew her) like jeb, Dobson, O'Reily, and Scarbourough did.

I freely admit that I will never understand these people's obsessions with life and death issues and how taking someone off a feeding tube is bad, yet cutting off their oxygen is Ok. And how euthanasia is bad yet the death penalty is fine. Furthermore that abortion is absolutly wrong, yet bombing children is OK. Even though I didn't agree with about 95% of his statements and beliefs, I will give credit to Pope John Paul in that at least he was consistant in his feelings on life being that he was anti-war, anti-abortion,pro- social reform in regards to the poor, and anti-death penalty. These "folks" on the other hand seem to only care about life when it involves a white person in a coma, 3-day old zygotes, or someone dying of cancer. Other than that, yer on yer own.


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