Sunday, September 04, 2005

If it was the Garden District that was destroyed.....

Then I have no doubt that the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert would have never suggested that we should not rebuild. But since it's only poor folks' housing well that's just expendable. Isnt it sick that George Bush rushes back in the middle of the night to help a dying white woman with a feeding tube, yet takes 5 days to respond to this devastation. To hell with him. To hell with Condi who didn't want to cut her shopping trip short to organize the international relief effort. And to hell with Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Scott Mclellan and every other Republican parrot who dares to say that you should shoot people on sight who are "looting" food and diapers for their families.

Oh yeah, and some Old rich racist judge died. Pardon me while I try to think of a reason why this is bad.


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