Thursday, June 15, 2006

All the news that’s fit to print.

I have this annoying little habit of telling Allie completely out-of-context, random information that I have come across. For some strange reason I tend to think that she might find these snippets vaguely interesting. Like last week when I told her about this great move, the Triple Jump Moonsault that a WWE wrester pulled off last week that blew me away. Basically, the Wrestler (Sabu) set up a folding chair in the middle of the ring between his prone opponent and the ring ropes. He then in one continuous movement bounced off the opposite ropes, leapt over the guy, jumped on the chair, and from there jumped on the top rope, and then did a 8 or 9 ft back flip on to the prone guy in the ring. It was amazing. Oops, see, now i just did it to all of you. My bad. Ok, so back to my point, lucky for me Allie thinks this is cute. What made me think of this was a story that I found on Yahoo! yesterday that made me realize I was not alone in this bizarre little habit, apparentlylegitimate news organizations like to do the same thing. Here's the feature article that made me think of this...
"Spiderman outs himself to the press "

God bless the 24 hour news cycle.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

This is why I'm embarrased

From today's press conference....

This exchange happened with Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times:

Bush: You gonna ask your question with shades on?
Wallsten: Yes...

Bush: But there's no sun out here.
Wallsten: It depends on your perspective.

Bush: Touché.

Wallsten is blind.

It’s IRAQ-ererific!

It’s IRAQ-ererific!

Here’s the thing I don’t understand being just a simple boy from the suburbs. How is it that according to congressional Republican Steve King, Iraq is safer than Washington DC. Yet our President has to arrive in the dead of night unannounced apparently because of the rampant “Freedom and Democracy”blowing up all over the place. Not to mention that he gave the Prime Minister 5 minutes of warning to get ready for his visit. That’s right folks, 5 minutes. Seriously. What if he was in the bathroom or something? I mean Middle Eastern food can be very constipating! Think of what this must be doing to the poor Prime Minister’s nerves? Is he laying there at night wondering if he really should have that last shish kabob? It also makes you wonder how bad security is over there when George Bush can’t even call the Prime Minister himself to give him a little warning. At the very least give the man some time to put on his best suit so he can greet the emperor properly.

I do however think that this trip/PR stunt shows exactly how sovereign Iraq really is right now. Seeing as how a supposedly equal head of state can fly in whenever he wants and wake the PM up and demand an audience. I mean if we tried this with China, Hu Jintao would be very deeply offended. Heck, Putin would probably pimp slap him. But there he is, walking around like he owns the place. Hmmm, is that because he does own the place?

But snarkiness aside, does it really matter that the Iraqi’s finally appointed an Interior Minister when Baghdad only has an average of 3.9 hours of electricity a day? Or that it’s not safe for a woman to go out alone even in the middle of the day. Or that people are being killed for wearing shorts? Does it matter that home sales are up in Iraq when casket sales are too?

Seeing as how the POTUS actually has a degree in history it’s sad to see him make all of the same mistakes others have. I think this is one of the problems with electing people who don’t like the government; they tend not to run it very well. And being one of the people who were against this war from the very beginning I can say that with all of my heart, sometimes it sucks to be right.