Monday, April 18, 2005

Quick Observations from the State Democratic Convention

1. The Lyndon larouche people are a cult, not a political party. They remind me of the followers of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, only with less congressman on their payroll.

2. Barbara Boxer is the most popular Democratic Political figure from California. Forget Nancy Pelosi, ( House Minority leader) forget Diane Feinstein, when Barbara Boxer came in it was like Elvis hit the building. And after talking to a handful of other activists I think a good part of the reason is because she is very much a liberal populist and proves it with her votes.

more to come after I've had some sleep...

Friday, April 15, 2005

Wow. They really have lost it haven't they?

First there was this comment from Tom DeLay: "The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior," ( Regarding the judges independent descision in the Shialvo case.)

Then there was John Cornyn, A Texas senator, and former judge saying how he felt recent courtroom violence might be explained because judges," Are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public." The frustration "builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in" violence.

Now, his holiness, Dr. James Dobson, fresh from his battle against SpongeBob Squarepants said on his radio show yesterday, " I heard a minister the other day talking about the great injustice and evil of the men in white robes, the Ku Klux Klan, that roamed the country in the South, and they did great wrong to civil rights and to morality. And now we have black-robed men, and that's what you're talking about."

Are you *bleeping* kidding me? So Tom DeLay is one thing, we all know he's a crook and a meglomaniac, but a former judge completely misrepesenting the murders of two other judges for political gain? And this self-righteous twit Dobson who thinks that judges who don't agree with him are as bad as the KKK? Sweet Jesus! These people have lost it!

And not only do they hate the constitution in the sense that it provided for an independent, unaccountable judiciary, they also hate the troops. This week there was also rider amendment added to a bill that the Republicans refused to pass. This being that troops overseas would not be subject to the new bankruptcy bill provided that the debt occured as a product of them fighting a war overseas.

Finally, many state conservatives across the country have started trying to get laws passed allowing pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for contraception based on moral grounds. I'm not really sure who they think they are, but seriously, A Pharmacist is only two classes above the photo guy at your local Sav-On. And they're making complex moral judgements on people they don't even know? More here

So to sum up, Republcians A) Hate the Constitution, B) Hate the troops, and C) think that women should have no say in their reproductive choices.

Cheers. Sigh.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Ok, enough sarcasm. I was just a little burnt out on the whole conversion of CNN and the other news networks to the 24 hour pope channel. All pope, all the time. Honestly, since I’m not a catholic and I have more than a few issues with the pope’s decision’s over the last few years I can’t say I’m all broken up about this. I’m not saying I’m glad he’s dead or anything I’m just saying that much as with Ronald Reagan’s death last year I hate to see this instant deification of political figures once they die. And make no mistake, the pope is a political figure.

And just out of curiosity, how is a Republican Judge, who is also a born again Christian, making “activist” decisions when he rejects the congress’s violation of the clause in the constitution forbidding the creation of laws that affect only 1 person? And how crazy must Tom DeLay be if even the Wall Street Journal editorial page has turned against him?

And in honor of the ending of the gawd awful exploitation of Terri Schialvo I found this article to be Apropos.

Quote of the day:
“George Bush put his hand on the bible swearing to uphold the constitution, not the other way around.”
-Bill Maher, in response to the president’s actions during the Terry Schialvo issue.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


The Pope is still dead.