Monday, March 21, 2005

Why the Shiavo case makes me ill.

Reason #1:
"In cases like this one, where there are serious questions and substantial doubts, our society, our laws and our courts should have a presumption in favor of life."
-Pres. George W Bush

You have got to be freaking kidding me! The man who ordered the "Shock and Awe" Bombing of Baghdad, a city of 6 million people on intelligence so crappy that if he had even decided to routinely research the sources, he would have found them to be full of holes, now cares about life? I mean, all partisanship aside, to say that he cares about "life" is one heck of a falsehood. After all, who holds the record in Texas for most executions under his watch? George W. Bush. Who bragged during the state of the union address about having terrorist leaders killed instead of captured? George W. Bush. And finally, who spent less than a half hour on average reviewing each clemency case while he was Governor without pardoning one defendant? George W. Bush. So yes, George bush is anti-abortion as we all know, but can you really say "He argues in favor of life"? No. Definitely not.

Reason # 2:

"Right now murder is being committed against a defenseless American citizen in Florida. Terri Schiavo's feeding tube should be immediately replaced, and Congress will continue working to explore ways to save her."
- Tom DeLay

The Hammer. The man who has been indicted 3 separate times for house ethics violations and then had the rules changed so that he would not be investigated. The man who started a charity for children which was used primarily as a way to fund raise for his next campaign. By far, one of the most corrupt politicians of our day. He also advocates killing prisoners, defended torture in Abu Gharib and encouraged the bombing of Iraq. And yet here he is claiming that he will not rest until she is safe. Or at least until the camera's are off. Mr. DeLay has also voted against any sort of health care reform so it appears his concern is only for those who are completely incapacitated instead of just suffering .Makes you wonder if maybe there is a more nefarious reason for this support?

Reason# 3
" Not everything is politics George"
-John McCain in response to the whisper campaign started by Karl Rove during the 2000 primary, claiming that John McCain's adopted child was really illegitimate among other accusations.

"Great political issue, great for pro-life debate- will help against Sen. Bill Nelson in Florida."
-GOP memo on how to handle this woman's tradgedy.

So what the above memo says is that this is the perfect chance to hurt another senator and further expand the Republican majority. In other words, how can we turn her pain into our gain? And once those marching orders were given, out rides the GOP in full battle garb working late on a Sunday even. Is it just me or weren't they once the party of "limited government?" maybe I'm just cynical, who knows. Maybe George Bush and Tom Delay really do believe that saving one American woman's life is worth more than thousands of dead and maimed Iraqi children, committing numerous ethics violations, slander, being guilty of intellectual blindness, etc. But if that is the case, then I think I'm a little more scared of them than I everwas before.

What really bothers me more than the political posturing is the way that this poor families struggle has been turned into a circus, and at the parents request it seems. And the simple fact is, if they do remove the feeding tube the Right wing will use her as a martyr to their noble cause of protecting life. And if they do give custody to her parents ( which doesn't seem very likely) then the Dem's will use her as an example of how the Repub's want to control everything. Regardless, this whole scene just sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post-
BTW, just for the record (until at some point there is an official one) I do not want to be kept alive past the first few years if there is virtually no chance of improvement beyond a semi-conscious or vegatative state. Just thought I'd throw that out there because I think I told mom I would want the feeding tube, but, no, no I don't. Ok then.

4:57 PM  

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