Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Hello? Is there anybody out there?

Hi. I'm Matt and this is my blog. Say hello blog.

I suppose I should start and say why I created this blog. You see, I have another blog already with my beautiful wife that was originally supposed to be about our family and 2-year old daughter. And for the most part it was like that in the beginning.Except that as time went on it started to become more about politics, cultural issues, and the general state of the world than anything else. The thing that really led to this change though is that I am a bona-fide news junkie and I just want to share my thoughts and outrage and the current state of the union with everyone around me because I just *know* they should hear all about the goings on that i have discovered!Because many of our family members lean to the right and also because I knew they were tired of hearing me rant I decided to devote a small section of our blog for just this purpose. However, considering my lack of time and web savvy it ended up being a little too creatively stifling and plain. So, after much deliberation and a quick Google check for "Free Blog" I decided that this would be my new avenue of expression.

As for the title" The Tide is Turning," I took that from the Roger Waters song of the same name. That song really seemed to define how I feel about the world and the direction we're taking as a society: A combination of despair, anger, frustration, and hope rekindled in the little events that can trigger big changes in the way things are done around the world. Just to make things clear up front, I consider myself a progressive and lean to the left on most issues so most of the things I write will be from a liberal point of view. I do realize I'll probably offend a few people here and there with my viewpoint's but I think that's part of the appeal of the whole "Blog-revolution" thing in that it forces people to open their minds to new ideas, even if only to further enforce the beliefs they already have.

So, with that said, come on in, pop open a cold one and I'll leave the light on for ya.'


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